MDSQ — Multi Document Scanning Queue
MDSQ provides for high production, multi-document scanning through barcodes. Scan in multiple documents at-a-time, from any any escrow. Upon acceptance, each document is automatically sorted into the its corresponding escrow e-Folder and is viewable in both the Progress and At-a-glance views.
Included with RBJ's Escrow Processing software, all RBJ-generated documents are automatically saved to your e-Folder. Emails, scanned documents, and electronically received documents / forms can also be saved to your e-Folder. To help you stay organized, your e-Folder can be categorized and sorted. You can even print, email or upload a document from your e-Folder to the web.
Stay up-to-date on the current status of an escrow. Keep track of tasks and deadlines. Check-in, make a report, or send a status-update letter to your client.
At-a-glance is a dashboard view of your Appointments, Closings, Tasks, Notes, and Progress items. Integrate with Outlook to pull in all your appointments and tasks.